
Wednesday, June 12, 2013


This will be a work in progress, but I'm happy to say that this will be home to my new blog!
I mulled over what to do with my previous blog and in the end pushed the delete button with no regrets. The new title reflects some parts of my personality. Lemonade stands for my ability to find happiness even when things seem bleak (making lemonade out of lemons...) and starfish signifies an ability to regenerate when damaged. I found myself holding back often and it came to the point that I was not happy and had pretty much neglected my blog. Sometimes starting over is the only way to get back on track, so here I am.
I'm in the process of defining what this blog will be about and what things I will avoid. I'd like to have some themes that encompass who I am and what I enjoy. Some of those themes will include: my children, music and photography. I do hope you will enjoy what you see here, and please don't be a stranger!


  1. Missy, I love your new blog! I love the name you chose. I look forward to reading all about your projects and passions. ;-)

  2. So awesome! Thanks for sharing a little piece of you :) the title is so clever and lovely.

    Lisa g.

    1. Thanks Lisa! You need to get blogging again!
