
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year

It is the last day of 2013 and I am right where I feared I'd be. A little sad and a little disappointed. This year didn't take me where I wanted to go. I didn't get to do all of the things I had pinned my hopes on. It was a big, fat disappointing year. Definitely not my first, probably not my last...

But I simply cannot deny that there were some awesome and really beautiful moments in 2013.
I can't fail to acknowledge that above anything else, I have a beautiful family and so many amazingly special friends! I am alive and healthy and so are my children and loved ones! I have a home and food and a car and electricity! I have poetry and songs. I took many memorable photographs and will be able to look back on this year with some fondness and a whole lot of thankfulness in my heart! I also have a new year to look forward to. Even if it is filled with struggles and burdens, I can't let my heart receive anything but the goodness and the joy. 

In 2014, I choose joy.