
Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Every year around this time it sneaks up on us. And every year around this time I try to avoid it like the plague. Many people would consider this response to be un-American. I'm talking about our County Fair of course! I do not understand why people enjoy scarfing down on deep fried heart attacks on a stick and walk around in the dusty crowded fairgrounds while essentially wasting tons of money on a higher cholesterol number... I just don't get it. Sure, when I was a kid I had loads of fun at the Fair but times have changed for this thirty-something and I have no desire to spend money I don't have on food we don't need. Bah. Humbug.

So I am hoping the kids don't ask. I can't really turn them down if they do. After all, there are a few fun things that make me not hate the Fair. For instance, the animals.

I never get tired of seeing baby chicks, newborn calves, piglets, bunnies and sheep! I also enjoy the exhibits. I look forward to seeing whose photography won first place and whose artwork earned a blue ribbon. Those are things I do not mind seeing and doing. Maybe if the Fair had a separate entrance for people like me who despise sweating and walking on dusty crowded pathways to buy crappy food, I would lighten up just a bit. Or how about an indoor (and air conditioned) area for people like me to watch the animals? Genius idea right? Last year we managed to avoid the Fair and I am hoping we do the same this year. If you added up the money wasted on one night at the Fair, I'm quite sure we could take a fun day trip to the beach or have a fancy picnic. And if I really get the urge to see an animal I will let the cat curl up on the couch with me. Sounds perfect...

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